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    Posted 30.7.23

    7 Things to do when Retiring Early in Ireland

    7 Things to do when Retiring Early in Ireland

    Everyone will come to retirement under different circumstances and with different goals in mind. Some will have planned for early retirement, while others may unexpectedly face retirement earlier than planned. Whatever the circumstances, it’s important to realise that this can be an exciting time in your life. For probably the first time, you’re no longer tied to things you have to do, like going to school, college or work. Of course, for most people, there will still be family commitments and loved ones to see but this shouldn’t hold you back from exploring some of the things you dreamt of doing for years but never got around to. So, if you’re retiring early in Ireland or planning for the future and looking for some ideas to add to your list, we’ve got you covered.

    1. Travel

    It might seem like the obvious thing to do in retirement is to travel, start by making a list of all the places you’ve never seen – near and far – is a good way to start planning any retirement trips. You don’t have to go on an Amazonian adventure but maybe you’ve never seen the Eiffel Tower in person, watched the sunset over Galway Bay or lounged on a beach in Wexford during the Summer months. Everyone has their own tastes when it comes to travel and now that you have so much more free time, give yourself something to look forward to by booking some trips in advance. Lots of hotels in Ireland and abroad offer special midweek or retirement deals so be sure to ask about those before you book.

    2. Take up a new hobby

    Have you always wanted to learn how to play the piano? Or maybe you want to make some pasta for your family from scratch? There are far too many possibilities to mention but if there is something you wish you’d always learned but you just never got around to, now is the time. Of course, you might not be the only person in your family who wishes to take up the same hobby so why not ask your children or grandchildren and maybe you can take up something new together. Children can teach us just as much as we can teach them sometimes.

    3. Volunteer

    Volunteering can be a great thing to do in retirement, it’s when you have time to give back to your community. There are lots of organizations all over the country that need volunteers for everything from administrative duties to helping with events and activities or carrying out various tasks. If there is a charity that is particularly close to your heart or one that you know operates in your area, you should reach out to them to see if you can volunteer and put your years of skills to use to benefit those who are less fortunate.

    4. Spend more time with your family

    Of course, once you retire, your family will more than likely be one of your main priorities. It’s exciting to think that now instead of getting Skype calls and photos of those school sports days or concerts, you will actually be able to attend. Whether it’s your own children, grandchildren or great-grandchildren, they will surely be delighted that they can spend some more time with you. Why not book a family break away in Wexford, so you can all enjoy a trip together! Check out our blog of all of the amazing activities available to families in county Wexford.

    5. Become an entrepreneur

    Taking early retirement doesn’t necessarily mean you have to stop working. It’s not uncommon for retirees to use the opportunity to explore the idea of setting up their own businesses. Being your own boss is very appealing and for those who have always had an itch to be an entrepreneur, retirement can be the perfect springboard. So, whether it’s a consultancy in your area of expertise, a blog or something entirely different, go for it.

    6. Get active

    Your health is your wealth, as they say. So, if you want to be able to enjoy your early retirement for many years to come, you should focus on maintaining your own health and wellbeing. Taking the time to relax when you need a spa break or keeping active will give you more energy to do whatever you decide to spend your days doing, you will feel healthier and have a happier mindset as well. If you’ve never focused on your fitness before, check out your local gym for classes suitable for beginners and get yourself signed up. Signing up and showing up is often the hardest part, once you get there, the instructor will guide you through the class at a pace that’s suitable for your level of fitness. If you’re looking for a more relaxing activity to do in retirement, why not enjoy some walks along the best beaches or experience some of the most scenic walks in the county. Maintaining a good level of fitness as you get older can help to strengthen your heart, increase bone density, relieve arthritis, aid a good night’s sleep and more.

    7. Keep track of your financial situation

    Retiring is something that everyone plans for financially, but that planning shouldn’t stop once you have retired. Regardless of whether you plan to travel around the world or something less expensive, you should still take time out to reassess your finances every few months during your retirement. Not only will it allow you to plan more cost-effectively, but it will also give you peace of mind to know that you are living comfortably and can carry on ticking things off your bucket list.

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